Railroad Consolidation: Its Economics & Controlling Principles Railroad Consolidation: Its Economics & Controlling Principles
By Julius Grodinsky
1999/11 - Beard Books
1893122417 - Paperback - Reprint -  351 pp.

A classic economic analysis concluding that railroad consolidation is about railroads moving traffic which is a problem of economics and transportation, not politics.

Publisher Comments

Category: Maritime & Transportation

Of Interest:

Railroad Reorganization

Railroad, Rates and Regulations

Railroads: Finance & Organizations

Railroads: Rates-Service-Management

Railway Problems

Transcontinental Railway Strategy, 1869-1893: A Study of Businessmen

A classic economic analysis of railroad consolidation, written ten years after the passage of the Transportation Act of 1920 that was designed to encourage and promote such consolidation. While other analyses focused on the role of the Interstate Commerce Commission and the effect of politics in encouraging or impeding rail consolidations, the author approached his subject from an economic perspective, asking: What are the business interests that underlie consolidation projects? The answer boils down to a simple fact: railroads exist to move traffic. Thus, the author concludes that railroad consolidations are worked out for the purpose of creating traffic routes favorable to the carriers concerned. His thesis that railroad consolidation was in its essence about traffic - a problem of economics and transportation, not politics - was welcomed as a businesslike perspective on an issue that had become highly politicized.

No book review available

Julius Grodinsky was a professor at the Wharton School of Business and a foremost railroad historian.

Other Beard Books by Julius Grodinsky

Preface  v
by Emory R. Johnson 
Chapter I General Economic Factors  1
Chapter II Interchange  24
Chapter III Control of Traffic Movements  48
Chapter IV Long Haul and Short Haul  75
Chapter V Connections and Competitors  106
Chapter VI Direct and Indirect Routes  133
Chapter VII  Closed and Open Routes  160
Chapter VIII Channels of Trade and Commerce  191
Chapter IX Traffic and Trackage Agreements  228
Chapter X Consolidation in Action  267
Chapter XI Legislative Principles  303
Index 329

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