Curbstone Brokers: The Origins of the American Stock Exchange The Curbstone Brokers: The Origins of the American Stock Exchange
By Robert Sobel
2000/01 - Beard Books
1893122654 - Paperback - Reprint -  314 pp.

Analyzes the practices of the outdoor securities market of lower Manhattan from the late 18th century to 1921 and shows the impact of government investigation and legislation on Wall Street.

Category: Banking & Finance

This title is part of the Business Histories list.

Of Interest:

AMEX: A History of the American Stock Exchange

The Big Board: A History of the New York Stock Market

Inside Wall Street

Takeover: The New Wall Street Warriors: The Men, the Money, the Impact


Publisher Comments

This historical account is one of the most dramatic success stories in the nation's business history. It chronicles the rise of a much maligned, unstructured group of men known as the curbstone brokers--because that is where they conducted their business--to a powerful and respected securities market, which in 1953 became the American Stock Exchange.


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Robert Nathen Sobel was a professor of business history at Hofstra University for more than forty years and held a Ph.D. from New York University. He is author of more than two dozen books on American economic and business history, including Herbert Hoover and the Onset of the Great Depression and Coolidge: An American Enigma. Besides producing books, articles, book reviews, scripts for television and audiotapes, he was a weekly columnist for Newsday from 1972 to 1988. In 1998, Sobel was the recipient of the second Special Achievement Sidewise Award for Alternate History for this book, which was republished in 1998.At the time of his death he was a contributing editor to Barron's magazine He died Wednesday, June 2, 1999 of brain cancer. Professor Sobel was 68. Sobel is a highly esteemed business historian. Sobel's purpose in any book he wrote was to help his reader learn from them.

Other Beard Books by Robert Sobel

Preface ix
Introduction 1
I Some Stayed Behind 7
II The Rival Exchanges 21
III Consolidation and the Consolidated 41
IV Bucket Shops on Broadway 61
V The Broad Street Jungle 83
VI The Curb Community 103
VII Mendels and the Establishment 121
VIII The New York Curb Market 141
IX The Boom Years 165
X The Move Indoors 185
Postscript 201
An Essay on Sources and Methodology 205
I Testimony of George E. Ely 213
II Testimony of James B. Mabon 227
III Testimony of Marcus Heim 241
IV Testimony of Miguel E. De Aguero 249
V Testimony of Frank Knight Sturgis 263
VI The Curb News, 1910-11 273
Index 279

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