The Chief Sources of English Legal History The Chief Sources of English Legal History
By Percy H. Winfield
2000/11 - Beard Books
1587980797 - Paperback - Reprint - 392 pp. 

An engrossing presentation of the early history and sources of English law.

Publisher Comments

Category: History

This title is part of the Legal History and the International Law list.

Of Interest:

Legal Lore: Curiosities of Law and Lawyers

Readings in American Legal History

The Making of the English Legal Profession, 1800 – 1988

The Origin of the English Constitution

Of special interest to legal historians, among others, this book is based on a series of lectures for a course of study at Harvard University Law School in 1923. It presents a history of the sources and literature of English law from its beginning to Blackstone. The exposition of this period can also be associated with the doctrinal roots for American common law. Particular attention is given to statutes, public records, case law, abridgements, and text and practice books.

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Percy Henry Winfield, LL.D., 1878-1953, was Professor of English Law, St. John's College, Cambridge, and the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law; as well as Lecturer in Law at St. John's and Trinity Colleges, Cambridge. Dr. Winfield was also the Editor of the Cambridge Law Journal. He authored numerous books on the law. 

Other Beard Books by Percy H. Winfield

Introduction xiii
I. Equipment for Research in Legal History 3
II. Existing Bibliographical Guides 22
III. Sources of Anglo-Saxon Law 42
IV. The Influence of Roman Law on English Law 54
V. Statutes 70
VI. The Public Records in General 103
VII. Case Law 145
VIII. Abridgments 200
IX. Textbooks and Books of Practice 252
Index 341

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