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Corporate Strategy Book Bundle

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Corporate Venturing: Creating New Businesses Within the Firm
By Zenas Block and Ian C. MacMillan
2003/12 - Beard Books
ISBN 1587982110 - Paperback - Reprint - 384 pp.

The authors offer hundreds of practical insights on managing ventures from both the corporate and venture perspective.

Publisher Comments

The principal purpose of this book is to present concrete management practices that have proven to be effective in creating new businesses and have helped foster innovation within existing businesses. How do established firms innovate? One way is through corporate venturing-turning a good idea into a viable business or successfully commercializing its technology. In Corporate Venturing, Block and MacMillan provide a masterful blueprint that can help managers in any company, regardless of size, plan the highly uncertain activity of starting a new business. Executives will learn how to encourage entrepreneurship, identify venture opportunities and locate them within the firm, select venture managers, set up planning mechanisms, and evaluate venture experiences.

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Joint Ventures, Alliances, and Corporate Strategy
By Kathryn Rudie Harrigan
2003/09 - Beard Books
ISBN 1587981955 - Paperback - Reprint - 440 pp.

Managers dealing with joint ventures will find this book a gold mine of information and insights.

Publisher Comments

When this book was first published in 1985, it offered a quantum increase in the available knowledge about designing and managing joint ventures, presenting an in-depth analysis of domestic joint ventures. The main focus is on where and how companies can build cooperative arrangements that enable them to make advances that they could not make alone. The analytical framework provides prospective cooperating firms with a guide to the possible benefits and pitfalls of using joint ventures, from first contemplating cooperation to dissolving the partnership after it ceases to serve both parties well.

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Unique Value: The Secret of All Great Business Strategies
By Andrea Dunham and Barry Marcus
2005/10 - Beard Books
ISBN 1587982625 - Paperback - Reprint - 316 pp.

Discusses the applications of the five fundamental and four building blocks of a Unique Value strategy for management to monitor and respond to change.

Publisher Comments

Since many of the assumptions and instincts that have guided corporations for generations are no longer valid, this insightful book provides a comprehensive strategy for monitoring and responding to change. A systematic approach to understanding the strategic drivers of a business can lead to continuously improving management over the near term while laying the foundation of knowledge required to create the unique value strategies for the future. Even the greatest success cannot be sustained without constant vigilance and strategic learning. This fascinating book lays out the reasons for costly mistakes and the markers for great successes. It should be required reading for every business manager, and will prove illuminating for every person interested in business success stories.

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