A History of Italian Law A History of Italian Law
By Carlo Calisse
2001/11 - Beard Books - Law Classic
Volume I - 448 pp.
1587981106 - Paperback - Reprint
Volume II - 379 pp.
1587981114 - Paperback - Reprint

These two volumes capture the vicissitudes of Italian public and private law from their antecedents in the Dark Ages to their realization in more modern times.

Publisher Comments

Categories: History | Law

This title is part of the International Law list.

This work in two volumes presents a comprehensive analysis of the history of Italian law, which in a sense has become the law of Europe because of the reception of Roman law in varying degrees in all parts of Western Europe. The Roman Empire was a high tide in the cultural advancement of Western Europe. This influence can still be found in various codes in Europe. Thus, the history of the laws and customs of Italy involving the Holy Roman Empire and the feudal system with which it is associated, the Civil Law, the Church and Canon Law, and the law of merchants also reflects the development of European legal ideas and institutions. Fascinating reading for those interested in comparative law.

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Carlo Calisse was born in 1860 and died in 1945. He was appointed to his first professorship in 1889 in the history of the law at the University of Marcerata, and shortly thereafter to a similar post at the University of Pisa. In 1907 he became Emeritus Professor at the University of Pisa and in 1908 he was made a Professor of Ecclesiastical Law at the University of Rome. He served in the national legislature from 1909 to 1919. Besides parliamentary work, he held a number of important public offices, such as Counselor of State and representative to the Permanent International Labor Organization of the League of Nations. He authored a number of works dealing with legal history. 

Book I - Public Law
Part I - The Byzantine Period (A.D. 476-568)
Title I - Organization of the the State; Title II - Administration of the State
Part II- The Germanic Period (A.D. 568-1100)
Title I - Origins and Character; Title II - Organization of the State; Title III - Administration of the State; Title IV- Holy Roman Empire; Title V - State and Church
Part III - The Renascence (A.D. 1100-1789)
Title I - Origin and Character of the State; Title II - Organization of the State; Title III - Administration; Title IV - Relations Between Church and State
Book II - Criminal Law
Part I - Germanic Domination
Title I - The Crime; Title II -  The Penalty; Title III - Kinds of Crimes
Part II -  Neo-Roman Period
Title I - General Qualities of Crime and Penalty; Title II - Particular Penalties and Crimes
Part III - The Philosophic Period
Book III - Private Law
Part I -  Persons
Title I - Human Existence; Title II -  Legal Capacity; Title III - Juristic Persons
Part II - The Family
Title I - Formation of the Family; Title II - Government of the Family
Part III -  Decedents' Estates
Title I - Intestate Successions; Title II - Testate Succession
Part IV - Property Rights
Title I -  Property in Land; Title II - Rights Over the Property of Another; Title III -  Possession
Part V -  Obligations
Title I - General Character; Title II - Particular Contracts

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